Staying Safe During Election Coverage: MFWA–IMS Train Journalists on Safety Issues


The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) in partnership with Denmark-based International Media Support will on November 17 & 18, 2016, hold a two-day training workshop for senior journalists from across Ghana on Safety of Journalists at the Sunlodge Hotel in Accra.

The training is aimed at building the capacity of journalists to stay safe without compromising reliable and professional reporting while covering Ghana’s 2016 Elections.

The training will feature both local and international trainers who will build capacity of journalists to report effectively on election-related issues and how to work effectively with police and security forces.

The trainees will be senior journalists and editors who are expected to transfer knowledge and skills learnt to colleagues in their respective media organisations.

The workshop comes off at 9: a.m. each day.

The event is funded by the International Media Support (IMS).