The Observatoire Nigérien Indépendant des Médias pour l’Ethique et la Déontologie (ONIMED) is a professional, self-regulating, non-profit organisation in Niger. It is led by an executive committee of 15 members. The objective of ONIMED is to ensure that journalists observe the code of ethics generally accepted by the profession and/or codified into the Professional Journalists’ Charter of Niger. It receives complaints of violations of journalists’ rights and press ethic, and consequently takes decision. where necessary, the organisation also sanctions journalists and media who disregard their code of ethics. ONIMED through advocacy also ensures the protection and promotion of freedom of expression and press freedom as well as access to information in Niger. The organisation also trains journalists on various thematic areas related to the profession and has set up a press houses repertoire in Niger.
Observatoire Nigérien Indépendant des Medias (ONIMED)