West Africa Experts Express Concern Over Negative Impact of COVID-19, Political Upheavals on Media Sector


    West African governance and media experts have expressed concern about the debilitating economic and sustainability challenges that the Corona virus has posed to the media sector, as well as the negative impact on the press freedom environment of recent political crisis in the Region. They have consequently called on the various stakeholders to work together as a matter of urgency to ensure media sustainability and create a conducive environment for the media to thrive.

    The call was made during a three-series webinar on “The Media in the Face of the COVID-19 and Political Crisis in Mali, Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire” organised by the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA). The MFWA organised the webinars in recognition of the fact that a tensed political and social climate affects the media environment and in view of the crucial role of the media in sustaining democracies and sensitising the public during emergencies.

    Read the full report on the webinar here: