WAMECA – Media Foundation For West Africa


Manasseh Azure Awuni

Manasseh Azure Awuni

Manasseh Azure Awuni

Manasseh Azure Awuni is a Senior Broadcast Journalist with the Multimedia Broadcasting Group in Accra, Ghana. He is one of Ghana’s foremost investigative journalists and a staunch anti-corruption crusader and has received many awards in recognition of his outstanding performance in journalism.  He was adjudged the overall Best Journalist of the Year 2011. In 2013, he was adjudged the Best Anti-Corruption Reporter in Ghana.

He was the best reporter for the investigative reporting category for WAMECA. Manasseh won with his story on The President’s Ford Gift, an investigative report on a dubious Ford car gift to Ghana’s president from a Burkinabe business man.

This story used investigative methods to uncover that relationship and the conflict of interest implications for the President.

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