WAMECA – Media Foundation For West Africa


Kwetey Nartey

Kwetey Nartey

Kwetey Nartey is a Ghanaian investigative journalist and co-founder of IHUB Africa, a non-governmental organisation, training aspiring young investigative journalists. His investigative report ‘Robbing The Poor: How LBC’s Are Illegally Renting Certification License to Businessmen’, emerged winner for the Investigative reporting category. The story uncovers that some Licensed Buying Companies (LBCs) and farmer society groups illegally rent their certification licenses to businessmen to enable them to export regular cocoa as certified ones. Under the Cocoa Sustainability Initiative, farmers are paid extra premium for producing certified cocoa and due to this, some businessmen illegally rent certification licenses to export uncertified classified as regular cocoa. The high fees involved enables officials of the licensed buying companies to shortchange cocoa farmers when they bring their special cocoa beans for sale. Click

to watch the documentary.