Development of an Overall Project Media Strategy
The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) in partnership with a 14-member consortium of Civil Society Organisations is implementing a project aimed at increasing awareness of the African Governance Architecture (AGA) and the ACDEG among citizens on the African continent, especially, the youth.
The project titled “Mobilizing Civil Society Support for Implementation of the African Governance Architecture in Africa” is being implemented in eight African countries with funding support from the European Commission and ActionAid.It also seeks to empower citizens to demand full implementation of the ACDEG and AGA by their governments.
A key component of the project is the development and implementation of an overall project media strategy that will be adopted at the country-level to advance the course of the project and its objectives.
The MFWA hereby invites interested and competent consultants to submit applications and quotations for the functions specified in the scope of work below:
Scope of Work
The objective of this work is toproduce an overall project media strategy. The strategy seeks to enhance the visibility of the project; ensure consistency in project communication among project partners; and highlight the achievement and impact of the project by ensuring valuable communication about the project activities at the national, regional and continental level.
Specific Tasks
- Read the full project document to be abreast of the its objectives and expected outcomes and apprise oneself with the media landscape in the selected project countries and on the continent in general;
– Produce an overall media strategy for the project in not more than 20 pages that will highlight the appropriate media tools and channels and activities to deploy to effectively engage project target audiences
– The strategy document should have introduction, objectives and monitoring and evaluation matrix.
Time Frame:
The consultant will be engaged for 20 working days between November 2017 – and January 2018.
Method of Submission of Application
Hardcopies of applications should reach the MFWA on or before November 15, 2017 and to the address below:
The Executive Director,
Media Foundation for West Africa,
30 Duade Street
Kokomlemle, Accra, Ghana
November 1, 2017