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The second edition of the West Africa Media Excellence Conference...

Hajia Fati and the Media Debacle: The Journalists’ Sneeze, the Politicians’ Cold

“… Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed...

Ghanaian Journalists Must Rise Up Against Tyranny, Intimidation

Recent incidents of assault against journalists in Ghana paint a...

Authorities Censor Reporting on Devastating Drought, Seize Reporters’ Equipment

Gendarmes in Mauritania have confiscated the equipment of a three-man...

Communiqué Issued at the End of MFWA/National Partner Organisations’ Meeting

The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) and its national...

Police, Presidential Guards, Assault Journalists on Duty

Some guards of Mali’s President, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, have brutalised a journalist...

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