On May 9, 2017, the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) with funding support from Ford Foundation convened a special Stakeholder forum on the theme: Ensuring Inclusive Governance in Ghana.
The meeting was attended by officials from state agencies, Persons With Disabilities (PWDs), women’s groups, youth groups etc.
The MFWA recognises that inclusive, accountable, and democratic governance is critical for building peaceful, just and inclusive societies that respond to the needs of all people by securing their equal participation and engagement in national processes.

Participants therefore discussed the importance of inclusive governance in building strong institutions and how the government can demonstrate its commitment to creating an enabling governance environment that is responsive to the needs and interests of the most disadvantaged and marginalised in society.
Ms. Esther Amoako, a lecturer at University of Development Studies called for more efforts in ensuring gender Inclusivity in governance towards the attainment of the Sustainable development goals.

Hajia Hafsa Sey Sumani, of NORSAAC, a local non-governmental organisation, highlighted the significant role the youth play in society and called on government to give more space to the youth to explore their talents and actively take part in the governance process.

Mr Mohammed Gadaffi, Northern Regional Chairman of Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations appealed to government to consider women with disability in decision-making processes of the country. He also called for the inclusion of PWDs in District development plans.
The forum was chaired by Professor Agnes Apusigah, Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Development Studies.
Below are more pictures from the forum. Kindly click on the left or right arrows to view the pictures.
[unitegallery stakeholderforumoninclusivegovernance]