Freedom of Expression in Mali Improving – MFWA

The MFWA is pleased to share with you its latest report on monitoring Freedom of Expression (FoE) and safety of journalists’ in Mali (July – August, 2013). The report (as attached) – “Freedom of Expression in Mali Improving” – is the second of a series of monitoring reports to be issued within the year. The report shows that general human rights conditions, FoE and the work of the media are progressing steadily.

The monitoring exercise forms part of a project being implemented by the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), the Copenhagen-based International Media Support (IMS) and Dakar-based Panos Institute West Africa (PIWA) on Freedom of Expression (FoE) and safety of journalists’ in Mali following the negative impact of the year-long crisis.

The objective of the project is to strengthen the territorial integrity of Mali through bridging a content divide between the North and South, and by building capacity of journalists in conflict sensitive journalism and ethical content production and sharing.

Freedom of Expression in Mali Improving – MFWA Monitoring Report

Issued by the MFWA in Accra on October 18, 2013

 The MFWA is a regional independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Accra. It was founded in 1997 to defend and promote the rights and freedom of the media and of expression.

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