Vivian Affoah

1456 Posts

Author Articles

Cote D’ Ivoire ALERT: Three journalists receive death threats

Madeleine Tanou, female reporter of Soir Info, an independent daily...

Ghana ALERT: Policeman attacks TV cameraman

Ignatius Kwame Adjaho, a cameraman of an Accra-based independent TV3...

Ghana ALERT: Police manhandle RTI protestors

Police personnel in Accra on February 2, 2011 scuttled a...

Cote d’ Ivoire UPDATE: Two detained TV journalists tortured severely

Sanogo Aboubakar and Kangbé Yayoro Charles Lopez, journalists with pro-...

Cote d’Ivoire ALERT: Two TV journalists detained

Sanogo Aboubakar and Kangbe Yayoro Charles Lopez, pro-Ouattara of the...

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