MFWA Welcomes Assurances Not to Shut Down the Internet During Nigeria’s 2019 Elections


    The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) welcomes the press statement from the Office of the National Security Adviser at the Presidency of Nigeria, assuring Nigerians that there are no intentions to shut down the internet during Nigeria’s 2019 elections scheduled for February 16, 2019.

    The MFWA also commends the Office of the National Security Adviser for assuring the public further that the office in collaboration with other relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government are making “continuous efforts to protect [internet and associated communications infrastructure] and improve service delivery to Nigerians.”

    Indeed, as noted by the statement from the Office of the National Security Adviser of Nigeria, “shutting down” the internet is akin to shutting down national development and security. It is, therefore, commendable that at a time when information is circulating that there might be an internet shutdown during the Nigerian elections, the Office has come out to deny any such intentions.

    While commending the Office, the MFWA urges the Nigerian government to keep to its promise of keeping the internet on before, during and after the elections. The MFWA also calls on Nigerian authorities to set yet another example where elections are held peacefully without internet shutdown as was witnessed when the country went to the polls in 2015.